Free From That ships all orders from the country of Spain in Europe. All shipments are standardly shipped by Fedex. Each shipment is marked as being a GIFT to customers but depending on the value of the items being shipped the shipment may pass through CUSTOMS in your country. Every country has the ability and the right to check all incoming packages. Products from Free From That are all plant based and marked accordingly but some times the CUSTOMS office from your country may check the products to make sure it is not drugs. Once our product leaves Spain we can no longer control the state of packaging. Sometimes CUSTOMS will puncture a hole in some of the bags being shipped to test the powdered product. CUSTOMS agents may apply some sort of DUTY or FEE to your shipment.
As a customer you can refuse to pay this amount and the product will be returned to Spain. If you reject paying DUTIES we will no longer ship any product to you and we will not authorize a cancellation of your order. You can ask us to ship it again using your shipping account number and it is understood that you will pay duties and taxes.
Sometimes CUSTOMS will accidentally destroy the bag being shipped to you. When you receive the shipment you can keep the shipment or contact FEDEX and refuse the shipment. They will return to your home or business and collect the damaged bag or bags. They will ensure that you did not open it further and did not remove any product. If you wish to file a complaint to FEDEX, contact them directly.