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Make Raspberry Meringue Kisses by Jessica

Was: €50.00
Now: €39.00
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400 Grams of Potato Protein + Plus
Uses high protein Potato Protein
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This is a recipe Chef Jessica has created during some free time to play around in the kitchen.  She developed a way to make a fun and stylish little treat to satisfy that sweet craving. With the added health benefits from potato protein, dark chocolate and raspberries, these kisses are lower in sugar than most conventional sweets, high in antioxidants and 100% Plant Based.

You can make these signature Vegan Raspberry Meringue Kisses recipe using a product developed by Jessica McKenzie of Vegan Gastronomy Culinary Academy. This product is made from the protein of potatoes from the Netherlands and mixed with an exotic mycelium "mushroom root" from the Himalayan mountains and it is called Potato Protein + Plus.

Typically this recipe would use Aquafaba but we enhanced this creation and developed it with Flavor-Less Potato Protein + Plus. Giving you the reliability and consistancy in your meringue results.

Included in this kit

  • Potato Protein + Plus (400 Gram) 
  • PDF Recipe (1 batch makes over 50 Kisses using just 12g of product)
  • Instructional video by Chef Jessica McKenzie of Vegan Gastronomy Culinary Academy.


You will receive notification of your Fedex shipment of this key ingredient to your location. At the time you buy this package you will be given immediate access to the recipe and the training video on making Raspberry Meringue Kisses by Jessica. So you will have a few days to prepare and get the correct ingredients you can buy locally or at Amazon.

These are examples of recipes that Jessica develops that we at Vegan Academy feel that she should share with interested parties.